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New book on practical writing skills

We are pleased to announce that work is progressing well on a new book that will be available summer 2013. The goal of this new text is to enable students to master the skills that are essential for success in both academic and business writing. Pre-writing, audience, and tone

Update on Elizabeth Schmuhl

Since completing Sequel, Elizabeth has been working toward obtaining her Masters of Fine Arts in writing at Vermont College of Fine Arts. This unique and rewarding program not only focuses on the craft and practice of writing fiction, but requires all students to read a variety of literature each

Sequel‘s new co-author

We have embarked on an extensive revision of Sequel with a talented new author, Elizabeth Schmuhl. Elizabeth is a 2006 graduate of the University of Michigan, where she majored in Honors Creative Writing and Literature. While in Ann Arbor, Elizabeth worked at The Sweetland Writing Center, edited for the